Peace and Democracy eBooks Crowdfunding Campaign

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The Education for Democracy Institute


Peace and Democracy eBooks

Crowdfunding Campaign

To Prevent Violence,

 Promote Literacy, and Foster Democratic Voice

In Homes, Schools, and Communities

In the United States and Around the World

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P&D eBooks Will Make Available Digital Versions of Transformative, Award-Winning, Multicultural Literature. There will be thirty P&D eBooks per grade for grades pre-K to 12. Print versions will be available as well.

P&D eBooks Integrate Digital Games and Activities. P&D eBooks will consist of digital text, illustrations, and digital games and activities that will be woven into the reading of the books.

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©Randy H. Goodman

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“My name is Candy Medea. My speech is about racism….This is important to me because I don’t like it when people make fun of me when I speak Spanish. Also I don’t like it when they call me Spanish girl or Mexican. My name is Candy and I am from Honduras. Please help me make this place kind and respectful. Thank you.”

Candy, 2nd Grade, San Francisco

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P&D eBooks Address Major Social Problems. P&D eBooks will address major social problems such as poverty, discrimination, violence, breakdown of social trust, and low levels of literacy.

P&D eBooks Integrate Mastery of Social and Democratic Values and Skills. P&D eBooks, together with the activities in the P&D eGuides, will help students to master social and democratic values and skills they need to overcome the social obstacles in their lives and to contribute to improving our democratic society.

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P&D eBooks Integrate Mastery of Language, Critical Thinking, and Literacy Skills. P&D eBooks will integrate the teaching of these social and democratic competencies with Common Core-aligned language, critical thinking, and literacy competencies. P&D eGuides will provide customizable online teacher guides for how to implement P&D eBooks in the classroom.

P&D eBooks Unite Families, Schools, and Communities. Families will be able to access books directly, teachers and schools will be able to implement flexibly any time of the day, and community organizations will be able to customize them to address their specific needs.

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“Once I was discriminated. Well, I wasn’t really discriminated. But it was sorta like that. Well, I’m Jewish and in the first grade we talked a lot about churches and other Christian things. I felt if I told everyone I was Jewish, I would be discriminated. So I told them I was Christian….I felt bad about lying.”

Anna, 4th Grade, Boston

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“Hi, my name is Christopher Santiago and I am very worried about the increase of children doing drugs and joining gangs in my neighborhood and this city….Now if you think you’re in a gang, you’re cool. Well guess what, you’re not. Here’s my advice to you. Stay educated, never follow the crowd. Be a leader, not a follower…Also remember you have a voice….lift your head high and have a much better life.”

Christopher, 5th Grade, Lebanon, PA

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P&D eBooks Provide Universal Access. P&D eBooks will be designed to specifically address the needs of English Language Learners and special education students.

P&D eBooks Are Free for All High-Poverty Schools. All schools with more than 75 percent of the student body receiving free and reduced lunch will be able to receive P&D eBooks at no charge.

P&D eBooks Combine Social and Academic Goals. The combined social and academic goals of P&D eBooks will be to help children and adolescents to prevent and cope with violence in their lives, to increase vocabulary, to improve comprehension and critical thinking, and to inspire them to use their voices to improve our democratic society.

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Peace & Democracy Goals

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“The world including the United States of America is in my opinion a place full of racial discrimination. We believe and understand that all men are created equal. But do we act so?”

Kenny, 9th Grade, Colorado Springs

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“Hello, my name is Angel Chin and I will be talking about budget cuts. Would you like to have old broken down books, year after year? If we don’t do anything to prevent the government from cutting money from our schools, essential programs in our schools might not exist….One person can’t do this alone, so right now, I’m telling about it. There is power in numbers. If we organize in our neighborhoods together, then our protest will be stronger and our voices will be heard.”

Angel, 5th Grade, San Francisco

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The Importance of Voice

One of the most important ways to help students prevent violence, improve their reading comprehension, and develop their democratic voices is by coaching them:

  • To use their voices to tell their stories and to get help coping with violence;
  • To use their voices to express their critical understanding of stories, texts, and social media;
  • And to use their voices to advocate solutions to important social problems.

Peace & Democracy eBooks provide models of voice. Peace & Democracy eBooks activities help students to develop their own voices.

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Please Provide Feedback and Advice

We welcome all feedback and advice on our proposal to publish Peace & Democracy eBooks. Please send us your comments and suggestions below.

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Click below if you wish to receive updates on Peace & Democracy eBooks progress.

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Click below to download a draft one page flyer about Peace & Democracy eBooks for sharing with friends.

[media-downloader media_id=”6930″ texts=”Download P&D eBook Flyer Now!”]

Click below to download a more detailed explanation of our plans to publish Peace & Democracy eBooks.

[media-downloader media_id=”6883″ texts=”Download P&D eBook Overview Now!”]

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Our first step is to raise $75,000 to develop a prototype which can be used for testing and raising the funds to develop and publish the complete project. Please consider making a contribution. All contributors will receive the prototype.

Please consider making a contribution of any size.

Everyone making a ten dollar or more donation will receive a one year subscription to the prototype.

Everyone making a hundred dollar or more donation will receive a one year subscription to ten books of your choosing.

Everyone making a thousand dollar or more donation will receive a life-time subscription to all the Peace & Democracy eBooks.

You can designate your children or grandchildren or any child of your choosing to be the recipients of the ebooks and activities.

Click the button below to make an online contribution or make out a check payable to the Education for Democracy Institute and send it to:

The Education for Democracy Institute
P.O. Box 25
Harvard, MA 01451

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